New developments Click here for latest changes
Website launched 15.03.15
Versatility of Program video added 22.03.15
All possible corner cannons now added 25.03.15
Video showing versatility of program added 26.03.15
Defective BT contact form deleted and contact email address added. 21.06.15
Down load link for Croquet Lawn corrected. 21.06.15
New interactive Hoop Shooting Program launched 07.01.16
Full Association Croquet Game launched 20.05.17
Full Golf Croquet Game launched 20.05.17
Tuition program under development 20.05.17
Updates to both AC and GC games 22.09.17
AC & CG Tutor versions lunched 22.09.17
AC combined version launched with 15 shot trial limit but indefinite trials. Many other improvements 11.04.18
AC improved with addition of function to allow sequence of ball positions to be recorded in a series of pictures taken from the top view.
GC combined version launched with 15 shot trial limit but indefinite trials. Many other improvements 28.07.19